Partner With Us

Partner with us!

FSU is home to more than 43,000 of the most academically focused and socially involved students throughout the country. As every undergraduate student’s first stop during their FSU experience, it is NSFP’s responsibility to welcome students and their families and to provide a holistic, positive experience for as long as they are part of the FSU community.

As the number of students applying to FSU continues to soar, NSFP strives to elevate the quality and success of our first-year programs, campus traditions, and leadership development opportunities for all students and their families. Through collaboration with community partners NSFP will be able to continue making a positive impact on thousands of students and their families throughout the duration of their FSU experience.

Questions? Reach out to us here!

On-Campus Partners

These partnership levels are available to campus partners at Florida State University only. The following partnership levels can be monetary or in-kind.

Local and Corporate Partners

These partnership levels are available to our local and corporate businesses in the Tallahassee and neighboring communities. The following partnership levels can be monetary or in-kind.

In-Kind Donations

In place of monetary partnerships, NSFP happily accepts in-kind support of our programs and events. In exchange for in-kind donations, you would receive recognition based on the in-kind value as it relates to the partnership levels detailed above.

We are seeking in-kind donations for the following:

  • Orientation Leader (OL) meals
  • Retreat, training camp, team meetings
  • Uniforms
    • Polos, team t-shirts, shorts, belts, shoes
  • Orientation Leader supplies
    • Backpacks, ponchos or rain jackets, umbrellas

What We Offer