Activate Your Permanent FSUID, Email Account, and Access the myFSU Portal

Studying at Florida State University means you will need a computer account and student e-mail address almost before we can say, “GO ‘NOLES!”

You may activate your permanent FSUID, FSU email account, and enter the myFSU portal as soon as you have been admitted to Florida State University. You will not have access to course enrollment as an undergraduate student until you have successfully completed orientation.

Directions to Activate your Permanent FSUID & Access your myFSU Portal:

Now that you’ve been admitted to FSU, it is important that you create your permanent FSUID. Students who are admitted to FSU and plan to attend the University
must create a permanent FSUID. The FSUID is a unique login that provides
students with an official FSU email account, access to the University network, Canvas, myFSU portal, and course registration. Students will also need an FSUID to register for orientation and to complete a housing contract.

Students who accept a Summer, Seminole Pathways or Spring offer from FSU should wait two business days before trying to activate their FSUID.

  1. Go to Under the garnet Sign In button, click on Activate/Manage FSUID. Your permanent FSUID will resemble your initials and allow you to access more information, including your FSU e-mail address.
  2. On the FSUID Management page, as a new or first-time user, click
    Activate Your FSUID under New Account.
  3. To activate your permanent FSUID, read the information on the Account Activation screen and click Proceed.
  4. At the FSUID Activation screen, enter the EMPLID, First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth - all four fields are required. You can access your EMPLID by logging in to your Application Status Check page. Then click Continue.
  5. Depending on the information that is currently on file or that was
    submitted during the application process, students will see one of the
    two following options:
    • Students that provided their Social Security Number during the application process will be prompted to enter the last five digits of their SSN to verify their account. Then click Continue
    • Students that did not provide their Social Security Number during
      the application process will be prompted to enter the email address that was used to register an FSU account (as a former student, current applicant, employee of the university). Then click Continue.
  6. After the student has verified their account, an FSUID will be assigned and displayed on the Account Activation screen. Make note of the FSUID and then click Continue.
  7. Students will then be required to select three security questions and enter the answers to each question. These questions will be used to verify the students’ identity and to reset their password. It is very important to remember the exact answers to the questions (i.e. including punctuation, case sensitive, etc.). Then click Continue.
  8. Finally, students will need to enter a password for their account. Students must follow the requirements that are listed on the screen. After confirming the password, click Continue.
  9. If the password is accepted, students will receive confirmation that the FSUID and its corresponding account has been successfully activated. The student can then proceed to their myFSU portal.
  10. In the future, students will access their personalized myFSU portal directly by going to and using their permanent FSUID and password.

For a tutorial with photos, please click here.

Welcome to the myFSU portal!

Through the myFSU portal, you can access Student Central, your @myfsu e-mail, and Canvas. Student Central is used for course search/enrollment, financial information, academic planning, and more. Your @myFSU e-mail account is where FSU will communicate with you regularly, so check this often! In the portal, you can access your e-mail account from the main page using the envelop icon on the left–hand side of the screen. Canvas is the institution’s academic courses management system information. Should you have any problems activating your FSUID, establishing your @myFSU e-mail account, or if you need assistance using an application in or, phone the FSU Service Center at 850.644.HELP (4357), or submit an e-mail.